

Salon Series


We are living in a unique moment in history, a time where old models are being outgrown and new paths are being forged. Our salon provides a space where you can connect with your body, mind, and fellow humankind to explore new ideas and perspectives.


In the cosmic realm, a nebula serves as a celestial nursery, a vast and ethereal cloud where stars are born from swirling dust and gas. Human Nurture Salons is not just a gathering space but a nebula of the human mind, where diverse ideas and thoughts converge like cosmic dust.

Individuals from various backgrounds and disciplines come together, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. In this salon, ideas are nurtured, encouraged to collide and coalesce, much like the particles in a nebula.

Through rich conversations and the sharing of knowledge, these ideas gradually grow, gaining strength and clarity. Eventually, they burst forth as new, brilliant insights, akin to the birth of stars in a nebula. The Human Nurture Salon, becomes a crucible for intellectual creativity and innovation, a place where thoughts are not just shared but are born and brought to life, illuminating the minds of those who participate in this extraordinary confluence.


  • As you enrich your minds, you will also enrich your bodies. We partner with nourishing food and beverage makers to provide high-quality health oriented, adaptogen, antioxidant, micronutrient rich snacks for you to enjoy. We cater to common food allergies and strive to be inclusive for a majority of diets.

  • The principles for dialogue at Human Nature Salons are based on ancient wisdom derived from non-dualistic, and non-zero sum thinking. Our gatherings emphasize discovery of the “middle way” by incorporating context, relationships, and systems thinking for a more nuanced view of the world.

  • Salon participants value personal growth, community building, and exploring new ideas and perspectives in order to create a more sustainable and equitable world. Our community is committed to lifelong learning and exploring the intersections between different fields and disciplines to stubble on new solutions to complex problems. Our audience comes from all walks of life, from artisans to nuclear engineers, we are all seeking a space to connect and learn from each other.

  • Join us in our mission to create a space for intellectual exchange, critical inquiry, and creative collaboration, while nurturing the mind and body. We hope you will become a part of our community of thought leaders and innovators who are united in their commitment to creating a more sustainable and just future.



Future of Democracy

Gideon Lichfield, Former Editor of WIRED Magazine


Quantum Art

Amy Karle, Ultra-Contemporary Artist



With Fyodor Urnov, Director of Technology & Translation @
Innovative Genomics Institute


Amanda Mork, Co-Host

Anastasia Miron, Co-Host

Kieran McGinn, Vibe Master

Ming Ming, Nourish Ninja
